Tokopedia Reveals Online Shopping Trends for Health Products In Q3 2023

    27 Nov 2023

    Tokopedia Reveals Online Shopping Trends for Health Products In Q3 2023

    Tokopedia Reveals Online Shopping Trends for Health Products In Q3 2023

    27 Nov 2023


    Jakarta, 10 November 2023 - As the nation gears up to commemorate National Health Day (Hari Kesehatan Nasional - HKN) on November 12, this year's theme resonates with the call, ‘Bangkit Indonesiaku, Sehat Negeriku.' The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkes RI) emphasizes the imperative need for collective support across all sectors to elevate healthcare services.

    "Tokopedia is actively involved in simplifying public access to a diverse array of health products, simultaneously assisting businesses in the health sector to foster sustainable growth. Health has prominently emerged as one of the most sought-after product categories on Tokopedia throughout the third quarter of 2023," said Aditia Grasio Nelwan, Head of Communications at Tokopedia (GoTo E-commerce).

    Online Shopping Trends on Tokopedia: Health Product Transactions Surge >11-Fold

    With more than 14 million sellers on Tokopedia offering over 1.8 billion registered products, including health-related items, the platform has witnessed a significant increase in health product sellers, notably in regions such as North Maluku, Jambi, and Southeast Sulawesi.

    Multivitamins, medical supplies (such as respiratory aids and laboratory equipment), and pharmaceuticals have emerged as top-selling health products on Tokopedia, with an average transaction increase of over 11 times.

    Edwin Chayadi, Vice President of Tokopedia Marketing Solutions, highlights, "To empower businesses in the health sector to maximize their e-commerce potential, Tokopedia introduces a holistic marketing solution - Tokopedia Marketing Solutions. Through this platform, businesses, regardless of scale or sector, including health, can now reach a broader audience on Tokopedia, spanning 99% of Indonesia's districts, engaging users throughout their entire consumer journey, from exploring the main page to product searches and social media interactions."

    Health Sector Enterprises Witness Remarkable Sales Boost with Tokopedia Ads.

    Kimia Farma Apotek (KFA), an integrated healthcare company in Indonesia, has harnessed the power of Tokopedia Marketing Solutions, including TopAds, Dynamic Channel, Broadcast Chat, and Tokopedia Display Network. This strategic implementation has resulted in a staggering 19-fold increase in e-commerce revenue compared to the period before leveraging Tokopedia Marketing Solutions.

    The success achieved by KFA can be attributed to the company's commitment to digital transformation and the exploration of all promotional features available in the e-commerce landscape. As the largest pharmacy network and a leading healthcare service provider, KFA continues to innovate in tandem with the evolving lifestyle preferences of a populace blending online and offline experiences.

    Currently operating an Official Store on Tokopedia, KFA boasts a comprehensive inventory of 4,500 Stock Keeping Units (SKUs), complementing its 1,800 physical outlets, which include pharmacies, clinics, and vending machines.

    Agus Chandra, President Director of KFA, stated, "As pioneers in the pharmacy services sector in Indonesia, we recognize the importance of customer-centricity and expanding our points of sale across various channels, both digital and physical stores. Our collaboration with Tokopedia Marketing Solutions has played a crucial role in advancing our digital journey. With an outstanding 19-fold increase in e-commerce sales, Tokopedia has supported us in reinforcing our position as a leader in healthcare services in the digital realm."

    Additionally, OMRON Healthcare, a manufacturer of advanced healthcare devices, actively participates in Tokopedia's campaign, Waktu Indonesia Belanja (WIB). They maximize their involvement through Tokopedia Marketing Solutions, utilizing advertising solutions such as TopAds, Broadcast Chat, and Tokopedia Display Network.

    Muhammad Zicofadly, OTC & EC Sales Manager at OMRON Healthcare Indonesia, affirms, "Collaborating with Tokopedia Marketing Solutions has been a game-changer for OMRON Healthcare Indonesia. By leveraging Tokopedia Marketing Solutions during the WIB campaign, we successfully expanded our official store on Tokopedia and experienced a surge in orders of more than 4 times."

    On the other hand, Sido Muncul, a manufacturer of modern herbal medicines and remedies based in Semarang, optimizes the use of Tokopedia Marketing Solutions during Tokopedia's 14th-anniversary campaign. Sido Muncul strategically promotes through Homepage Banners and Meta Collaborative Ads.

    Damai Argakasih Lazuardinur, Head of Digital and Omnichannel Marketing at Sido Muncul, comments, "The utilization of Tokopedia Marketing Solutions during Tokopedia's 14th-anniversary celebration proves to be highly effective, with a Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) reaching nearly 7.5 times. This success encompasses increased orders for our flagship product, Tolak Angin, and other herbal products like ESTE EMJE, Herbal Garlic, and Kunyit Asam."

    Edwin expresses, "We are thrilled to continue facilitating easy access to health products for the public while boosting visibility for health businesses on Tokopedia. Looking ahead, Tokopedia, through Tokopedia Marketing Solutions, is committed to further aiding businesses of all scales and sectors in Indonesia, accelerating their performance, and contributing to national economic inclusivity through digital channels."
